It is 2010, So much has happened within the last year that it is not humanely possible for me to even squeeze the events into one post let alone a couple of blog posts. So I will take my time, Dw33b is definitely going to be around as long as I am here.
It it has been 15 days = 2 weeks 1 day = 360 hours= 21600 minutes since 2010 has arrived.
It sounds like an awful lot of time has passed when we look it from this perspective.
(I used a calculator to get the hours and minutes, I am currently thinking of Rent the movie opening song [Youtube link to the song] so it is a rent inspired sentence lol)
Time has gone so fast. I have so far did what most people do when new year comes, I made resolutions. I realize 99.99% of the time my resolutions rarely make it through 1 month. Just talk, no action which is pretty bad. So the odds of me even doing it has a low probability.
I like to call them "evolutions" now. An evolution to do better "everything". ^_^
My "evolutions" are set in stone ......erm ....actually in paper. I managed to make a poster of sorts with my big goals listed into small actions and put it on my wall. Whenever I enter my room, I can see it on my wall and it is an actual written document -A promise I make to myself. Corny but true.
One of those goals is to try Sand surfing. I have been wanting to do it since two years ago! I found it in a book and did some research. It is similar to surfing instead of the water you do it on a sand dune. No danger of drowning (cannot swim ), the possibility of bruises are possible. I told this plan to one of my close friends, she is doing her Masters in Australia and I will definitely save up to visit. One of the things I want to do when I get there is Sand Surfing!! Definitely on my "evolution" list to try new things.
So what have I been up too? hm...During my hiatus, I have been doing some of the things that I use to do.
One of those things is GAMES!
Yes! I have gamers blood flowing through my veins. (It is not obvious when you see me in person though)
There is something so addictive about games that I cannot resist playing games on almost any platforms - PS1,PS2,PS3, Game Boy, PC, Online you name it I will try it or am itching to get my hands on it. Role playing games(RPGS), car racing, fighting games... I really enjoy it a lot.
It is similar too when you drink your first cup of Coffee... you never tire of it.
*Sigh* I use to play a game for days without sleeping and be cooped up in my room with the intent of finishing it. That was last time, Now I have reduce it as I discovered making hand made stuff has become one of my "passion" and it fills my mind.
I am still in awe of PS3 graphics though...... they are so amazing but I do miss the mini characters found on PS 1 and PS2. My brothers were playing Soul Calibur IV on PS3, I was passing by and the I felt the need to watch because I played it on PS2 (Loved it!).
I sat down, make myself comfortable and watch for a long time as though it was a movie, It has advanced so much... (Yes I am a totally nerd-dweeb lol)
What else eh? I managed to read and finish some of my books I bought awhile back and even picked up writing again. I even met up with some of my Friends, So glad we managed to make time to meet up. I did other stuff as well but for the sake of this post I will ramble to a minimum as I tend to ramble on too much.
: P
Heh I am jumping from topic to topic eh?Inspiration is everywhere and I want to try as much as possible to do a variety of handmade items. I seriously did not think I would be into Handmade items, it kind of found me which is so unexpected in a good way.
So during my hiatus, I still was thinking about Dw33b even though I was on a break.
I drove around Brunei and did some walking around Brunei to get inspired.
Seriously, Brunei is a beautiful country and so peaceful .... that is until it is payday,
you are in Gadong or Kiulap stuck in the traffic jam for the last half hour while keeping an eye out for the elusive parking spot, wondering how you manage to even get involved with the traffic jam.
Lol just take this as a light rambling of a person.
Before I get into deep about games and traffic jams let us move on to jewelry.
During my hiatus:
- Made some jewelry, mostly w-i-p (work in progress)
- Meeting some customers who are awesome! (Yes,Awesome is permanently in my vocabulary -_-)
- Getting feedback from my family (they are pretty honest with the constructive criticism)
- Getting challenged by family as well as friends to recreate stuff into jewelry
- Did repair work (practice makes perfect)
- Researching on other side projects
- Getting inspired by the Family, Friends, Customers words
Jewelry Hint
Dw33b's next collection has to do with the sky and the beach as well but it has nothing to do with My Pirate collection!
That is all I shall say : p
That is all I shall say : p
I appreciate that you have read this until the end.
Thank you from the bottom of my very human heart for reading this blog.
Hope I am not boring people to death with my ramblings which is irrelevant but relevant at the same time (It is fun : P ).
Hope you enjoy reading this post, my blog overall and be prepared for my next post.
Off I go to play g..*ahem* prepare the pictures for my next blog post. See you soon!
One dweeb's store of handmade dreams and unique stuff
*All branding and products are trademarked by DW33B.
No designs, names, or descriptions may be replicated for any other purpose.
One dweeb's store of handmade dreams and unique stuff
*All branding and products are trademarked by DW33B.
No designs, names, or descriptions may be replicated for any other purpose.
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