Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jan Vormann Dispatchwork

I was just surfing the net browsing the telegraph.co.uk when something colorful caught my eyes and I could not resist so I decided to click out of curiosity. It was amazing.

Lego+ Crumbling walls and structures+Repair work

Jan Vorman has been traveling around the world for the last three years fixing crumbling walls and structures by using Lego pieces with the help of many wonderful and enthusiastic people who are creative in their own right.

I would never expect a combination like that would work. I have seen some fantastic things sculptures that have been done with Lego bricks but NEVER thought these fun colorful bricks would be used to help repair buildings. It gives a dash of color and makes people wonder "How is that possible?"

Tried my best to research as much as I could about Jan Vormann (the person behind the idea). He is quite an elusive person from what I gather with my not-so-bad-usually-find-what-I-Want-Information(Whew what a mouthful- I might be wrong about this but hey his work is wonderful). After more researching I found his listed work on this site and judging from what he studied- He applied the knowledge that he learned and put a creative spin on it.
Simply eye-catching and *Whoa I need to take a closer look and see if they are for real* feeling.

Another helpful website was Samsung Imaging (site) which explained what and why the Lego are used. The purpose is for a campaign as they stated in their title for the post :

Jan Vormann – Cure and Remember, Lego helps us.

The post written by Nadia's own words on Oct 21 2009 states

This campaign, started by Jan Vormann, was initiated by the hope to remedy the building that was wounded by the shootings from WWⅡ; with Lego. Then, out of all things, why with Lego? There are other materials like cement that are unnoticeable. Lego is fun, but it seems so out of place. So why was it with Lego? ..........................................
making Lego and filling in the building is a symbol of looking back at the past and at the same time, a pledge to not go through one of our worst mistakes again. This is Jan Vormann’s intention and the time that we all need. (You can read more of this post-report at the link given below)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Please Rob Me

This image was obtained from mobile behaviour

In this age of technology, we have social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter to update where and what are we doing at this very moment with the help of the internet. It all seems so simple when we use them to keep in contact with people we know and in some instances become an easy way to stay in contact. I agree as I myself have a facebook account as well as twitter. They are awesome in a sense but there are some hidden dangers to it.

An example is when you tell people that you are NOT home.

I came across this site called Please Rob Me - A website that has creatively shown the pitfalls of updating your status of being away from you home and it will potentially be dangerous as some people might take advantage of this situation when using applications tellng people exactly where you are like Twitter and Foursquare(I do not think we use this application in Brunei though) .

These words that are shown below are directly from Please Rob Me and I am giving them the credit as they explain is so well (This is part of the why section which I have copy and pasted here )

"The danger is publicly telling people where you are. This is because it leaves one place you're definitely not... home. So here we are; on one end we're leaving lights on when we're going on a holiday, and on the other we're telling everybody on the internet we're not home. It gets even worse if you have "friends" who want to colonize your house. That means they have to enter your address, to tell everyone where they are. Your address.. on the internet.. Now you know what to do when people reach for their phone as soon as they enter your home. That's right, slap them across the face. "

Interesting stuff I might say. This is definitely one way to increase awareness about putting up too much information. It makes you stop and think.

Here is the website if you wish to visit it : http://pleaserobme.com/

Saturday, March 13, 2010

When you break your arm

When I was younger, I was very prone to breaking my arm(I was pretty reckless as a kid). This would result in a trip to the hostpital and then I would get a sling on my arm.
People would ask how did I break my arm (Pretty fun to recap the story 2- 3 times but after that it gets too tiresome as I am not talkative all the timeT_T).
One of those times or let me say event as to how my arm was fractured is now a permanent story my family members remembers with amusement as it involved a freezer and superman. -_-
I came across this very cool sling that is so creavtive and basically you do not even have to say even one word to explain the "event". Very simple and I salute the person who did this - Brazilian designer Andre Montejorge. His site is pretty awesome as well and may be found by clicking on his name. I know that I will be checking out his blog and maybe get a sling from him the NEXT time I fracture my arm ^_^