I wondered these past few months if I have been doing to much ?
So far I have been telling myself :
- Get Facebook!
- Get Twitter!
- Get another blog!
- Promote more!
- Network more!
- Take pictures..do not forget to edit!
- Increase production of output!
In the age of technology, we are given the impression that with the introduction of the internet and new devices such as laptops etc, we can do more in a shorter span of time. After much contemplation, it is in my mind : a bunch of sugar coated chocolate cookies (It tasted good but at the end of the day they have terrible side effects). There is more of an increase in temptaion on the limited time we are allotted to have on this earth.
Even as I write and then retype this on the laptop, there is so much distration to just push this further to the back of my list. So it made me realize I have been stretching myself thin to the point the important things end up being covered up by all these "small" distractions.
So far I have deemed it a success to have even finish this mini essay of mine as I even got to tweak it more and got it typed out here on the blog. I decided to implement what I learned from the many many books and websites when it comes to getting the work done. Plus make sure you check out the beneficial article that got me in to action on the question I asked myself in the beginning.
Here is what I did in order to get this article done and you can do it to especially when you realize the things you do are not productive or was in denial like I was :
- Sit down on the chair, bed or floor wherever you like.
- Clear out your working space and put the bare essentials required to get the work done.
- Put away every thing that has the potential to distract you. Kick out the distractions!!
- Just concentrate on these bare essential for the next 5-10 minutes.
- *Warning* If you are anything like me. You will struggle for focus but eventually it become easy.
- A kind of calm will settle in after you practice the habit and before you know it....Ding!! like putting a bread in a toaster, You are done. Like bread your work may not be exactly as you hope it would be at times but there will be times when your work will be the stuff of greatness.
My bare essentials in writng this! Wo hoo! Onwards to productivity
It is better to have one great project than 3-5 mediocre results. You know you can do better than that.
I got inspired by this wonderful article which came to my inbox :
Did Muhammad (Peace be upon him) Multi-Task?